LMJ International

Providing consultation, training, and facilitation in the design, development, implementation, maintenance, and audit of ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Programs for 100's of DOE and Nuclear Industry clients!

Commercial Grade Dedication Program Development NQA-1 Nuclear Lead Auditor Training Certification Program for Nuclear Quality Assurance Auditors


(2 Days---1.6 CEU's)



Our workshop is specifically designed to help you understand and implement one of the most demanding requirements of your Nuclear Quality Assurance Program. Our unique, hands-on training process will analyze the specific needs and expectations of your customers, and provide recommendation for procedure development and the continual improvement of your process for Commercial Grade Items and Services to meet NQA-1 and Nuclear Industry related codes and requirements.


Through this training process, detailed discussions and workshop exercises will cover and extensive interpretation of NQA-1: 2008/2009a, Part II, Subpart 2.14 Quality Assurance Requirements for Commercial Grade Items and Services, including:

  • History of Commercial Grade Items and Services and impact with 10CFR Part 21
  • Overview of the Guidelines - Revision 1 to EPRI 5652 and TR-102260
  • NEI 14-05 Revision 1 updates and impact on ISO 17025 Accreditated Calibration and Material Testing Labs
  • CGD Plan Development and Documentation Requirements
  • Technical Evaluations and related Engineering Organization Responsibilities
  • Like-for-Like and Equivalent Items Overview
  • Identification and determination of (safety critical / safety significant) Critical Characteristics and Acceptance Criteria.
  • Dedication Methods - Selection and Application
  • Contractor / Supplier Flow-down of CGD Requirements and Interface Controls
  • Complete presentation and understanding of required CGD Documents, Records, and Forms
  • CGD Survey and Audit tools and examples for demonstrating CGD compliance.

LMJ International has acquired and uses real world examples of CGD Documents, Procedures, CGD Plans, Technical Evaluations, Records and Forms throughout the training and workshops to demonstrate complete design, development, documentation and implementation requirements to meet NQA-1:2008/2009a, Part II, Subpart 2.14 requirements. NOTE: Forms and documentation used in this course have been found effective and in compliance with customer requirements in recent Westinghouse, Bechtel, CNS, GE, Fluor, NIAC, and NUPIC audits!


2024-2025 Schedule of Open Public Courses


November 18-19, 2024 .............................LMJ TEAMS Online Classroom

March 3-4, 2025 ....................................... LMJ TEAMS Online Classroom

June 23-24, 2025...................................... LMJ TEAMS Online Classroom

September 22-23,,2025 ............................LMJ TEAMS Online Classroom

December 15-15, 2025 .............................LMJ TEAMS Online Classroom


Fee for this two-day course presentation is $795.00, and includes all course material manuals and specifications, CGD procedures and record templates, refreshments, and certificates of attendance. Discounted group rates available for three or more registered participants from the same organization.


This course may be presented at your facility, (OR IN OUR TEAMS ONLINE CLASSROOM) complete with program and procedure development (including program records and forms) tailored to your unique requirements and commercial grade items and services. Call today and request your custom designed workshop outline !


With over 60 custom designed workshops presented to date, including NRC headquarters and field office personnel,  the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Packaging Certification Program, Office of Packaging and Transportation, EM-33, in Germantown, MD., and representatives from the NRC, DOE, Bechtel and Bechtel National, CNS, UT Battelle, Westinghouse, GE, Y-12 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Ultra Electronics NSPI, and many others!

LMJ International

1402 Jamestown Road - Williamsburg Va 23185 Phone: 928-208-8667 - Contact Us
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